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The 3x3 Method to Career Advancment

29 May 2018 7:00 AM | Anonymous

Have you ever yearned for more fulfillment in your career than your existing role offers? Maybe you even have a sense of what that role might look like, or better yet, have your sights already set on a position within your current organization or another. If you are ready to embark on the journey from day-dream to dream job, you must first realize that SUCCESS STARTS WITH YOU.  

In this moment, are you crystal clear about why you are ready for the next position? Are there skills or behaviors required for the position that require sharpening? Have you considered who could mentor you in the best approach for securing this position?

Thoughtful planning does not always require a multi-page strategy, however; taking focused action is well supported by a road-map for achieving your goal. We find the 3 x 3 MethodTM  an invaluable tool in setting the course for smooth sailing towards that goal:

1. What are my top 3 reasons why I am ready to go for my next position?

2. What are the top 3 things I need to learn to get to be a great candidate for the next position?

3. Who are the top 3 people that have the position I want, and when can I schedule a lunch or phone call with them?

When you take time to understand where you are now and what you can do to get what you want, it becomes easier to make a plan to get it and make the decision to work for it. Attached is a worksheet you can use to help you get started. 

3x3 Method Worksheet.pdf

Of course, we highly recommend you rely on your natural talents and strengths to help complete this.

Celebrating Your Unique Genius,

Lori and Shari

To discover your Top 5 Strengths click HERE.